-Editor and translator of the book:
Franz Morell: “Mora Therapie.
Patienteneigene und Farblich-schwingungen, Konzept und Praxis”, Haug
Verlag, Heidelberg; with the italian title:
“Moraterapia, frequenze provenienti dal paziente e dei colori: Teoria e
Pratica”, Ed. IPSA, 1990.
-Editor of “Omeopatia e Medicina” by Paul Moessinger, IPSA Editore,
-Introduction to the book: “L’abitazione ecologica”(The ecologic house)
by Simona Sacchetti, Edizioni GB, 1990.
-Preface to the book : “Dall’EAV all’O.F.O.(Organometria Funzionale Olistica) con l’uso delle LM” by Pasquale Marchese, Ed. Similia, 1998.
-Author of the book: MORA Terapia, teoria e pratica(MORA Therapy: theory anc practice”, Guna Editore, 1990.
- Author of the book: L’Elettroagopuntura secondo Voll Integrata(EAVI) (Electroacupuncture by Voll Integrated), 2002, Nobile Collegio Omeopatico.
-Author of the book: Testo-Atlante dei punti principali dell’EAVI(Text-Atlas of Electroacupuncture main points); IPSA
Editore, 2004
-Author of the Chapter on “Byocybernetic Medicine and EAVI” in the
book “Grande dizionario enciclopedico di omeopatia e bioterapia”, IPSA Editore, 2007, I. Bianchi and L. Pommier Editors
Scientific Papers presented at Congresses or published on Medical Journals
-Meletani, S.: “Possibilità e limiti dell’EAV in Flebolinfologia” (II International Congress of Flebolymphology, Ferrara, 20-23 April 1988).
-Meletani,S. et alii: “Influenza dei campi di disturbo odontogeni (Foci dentari) nell’omeostasi dell’organismo senile e possibilità diagnostico-terapeutiche offerte dall’EAV(Elettroagopuntura secondo Voll)”, XXXIII National Congress Gerontology and Geriatrics, Ancona, October 23-26 1988).
-Meletani, S.: “Vega ed EAV: due metodiche bioelettroniche a confronto”, Riv. Italiana di Omotossicologia, October 1988.
-Meletani, S.: “La geopatia in medicina e le possibilità diagnostiche e terapeutiche”, Architecture and Geopathology Meeting, Milano, 24.10.1989.
-Meletani, S.: “Carcinomi della mammella e del rene risolti con EAV e MORA-terapia”(Breast and kidney Carcinoms treated by EAV and MORA therapy) , Ital. Journal of Homotoxicology,3/1991.
-Presentation at the Homeopathic Course at Catania University Organized
by Pharmacology and Surgery Departments on the topic:
“Elettroagopuntura secondo Voll ed Omeopatia”(Electroacupuncture by Voll and Homeopathy), Spring 1991.
-18 Maggio 1991: VI National Congress of Homotoxycology: Meletani,S.:
“Ca della mammella e del rene risolti con EAV e MORA terapia”,
Milano, Hotel Executive.
-Meletani, S.: “Diagnostica e terapia con EAV e MORA nella cardiopatia ischemica e nelle vasculopatie ateromasiche"(Diagnosis and Therapy using EAV and MORA-Therapy in heart ischemic and in vascular diseases), Ital. Journal of Homotoxicology, 3/1992
-Meletani, S.: “Bioelectronic Regulatory techn.(Electroacupuncture according to Voll, MORA and Decoder Dermography) and efficacy of homeopathic remedies”, Presented at the Congress Omeomed ’92, First International Congress, University of Urbino, Italy, 24-27 September 1992.
-Meletani, S.: “MORA Terapia ed Odontoiatria: le intossicazioni da amalgama”(MORA –Therapy and Dentistry: amalgams intoxication), Riv. Odontoiatria e Medicina Naturale, giugno 1992.
-Meletani, S.: “Foci e malattia focale: contributo dell’EAV e del MORA alla loro diagnosi e terapia”(Focal disease: its diagnosis and therapy by EAV and MORA-Therapy), I° and II° parts, Riv. Odont. e Medicina Naturale, dicembre 1992.
-Meletani, S.: “Le malattie allergiche: diagnosi e terapia con l’EAV (Elettroagopuntura secondo Voll) ed il MORA”(Allergic diseases: diagnosis and therapy by EAV and MORA), (Natural Medicine Congress in Milan, 22-23 Ottobre 1993).
-Meletani, S.: “Il meridiano endocrino in EAV: correlazioni energetiche ed indicazioni terapeutiche (Endocrin Meridian in EAV: energetic correlations and therapy)”, Riv. It. Omot., 3/1994, (Italian Congress of Homotoxycology, 1994).
-Meletani, S.: “Due casi neurologici trattati con EAV e MORA-
terapia”(Two neurologic cases treated by EAV and MORA),
Riv. di Medicina Biologica, Club dell’Omotossicologia, suppl. al n. 3/95.
-La Sindrome Focale: mito o realtà(The Focal sindrome: mith or
fact) Congresso di Omotossicologia di St. Moritz , 14.03.2005
(Homotoxycology Congress at Saint Moritz)
-Dall’EAV(Elettroagopuntura secondo Voll) all’EAVI(Elettroagopuntura Integrata): fondamenti scientifici ed indicazioni cliniche.
I° Convegno Internazionale di Medicina Olistica: la malattia come disturbo della comunicazione cellulare.
Biofotonica, una concezione innovativa(Biophotonics: an innovative conceptualization).
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche (Pharmaceutical Science Dipartment), Trieste 14 maggio 2005
-A long survival (more than six years) of a woman with Lung Metastasis from Uterus Cancer; Nutramedix International Conference
Prague, the 4th and the 5th of November 2005
-From EAV (Electroacupuncture according to Voll) to EAVI (Electroacupuncture according to Voll integrated): scientific foundations and clinical indications.
The 18th National Acupuncture Congress with International Participation
The IInd Integrating and Quantic Medicine Congress
Targoviste, Romania
-Dental Foci and Integrated Electroacupuncture
according to Voll (EAVI) in neuromuscular diseases:
basic principles and clinical cases.
The 19th National Acupuncture Congress with International
Craiova (Romania), 28-30.09.2007 your social media marketing partner

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